Attention families! We invite you to attend the WSCA's next meeting on Tuesday, March 4 at 6 pm in the Winlock Miller Elementary School cafeteria. If you are interested in attending virtually, please email to request a meeting link.
7 days ago, Ashlie Auckland
The next Sahara Pizza Night is Wednesday 2/19! 1. Look for the flyer being sent home with your child 2. Order pizza Wednesday night 3. Turn in the flyer at the counter or to your delivery driver to make sure your child's class gets credit towards earning a pizza party! A portion of the proceeds goes back to WSCA and the schools. Thank you for your support!
20 days ago, Ashlie Auckland
Attention WMES families! Sign ups for our NEW Afterschool Theater Camp are available now! The sign ups are for 1st-5th grade students. Camp will take place through the month of February with performances at the end of the month. A letter was sent home with your student before break if you are 3rd-5th grade with 1st-2nd going home Friday that covers all the details including participation, cost and rehearsals. To enroll your student please fill out this form: If you have questions, please contact WSCA at
2 months ago, Ashlie Auckland
Attention families! We invite you to attend the WSCA's next meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 10 at 6 pm in the Winlock Miller Elementary School cafeteria. If you can't make it to the meeting but are interested in helping WSCA throughout the school year, please email If you are interested in attending virtually, please email us for a meeting link.
3 months ago, Ashlie Auckland
Dear WMES Families, Thank you for your enthusiasm & support for our upcoming Grandparents Day! This event has always been a favorite, and we’re thrilled by the overwhelming response this year. However, due to the higher-than-anticipated participation & our kitchen’s meal preparation limits, we kindly ask that only those who have submitted their RSVP attend this event. This ensures we can provide a positive experience for everyone who has already confirmed their attendance. We truly appreciate your understanding & patience. Grandparents Day is just one of many wonderful opportunities to celebrate our school community, & we look forward to offering more events for our families in the future.
4 months ago, Ashlie Auckland
CORRECTION: PIZZA NIGHT IS WEDNESDAY! Solve the nightly dinner dilemma and support the WSCA by ordering Sahara Pizza tomorrow night (11/20)! 1. Look for the flyer being sent home with your child 2. Order pizza Wednesday night 3. Turn in the flyer at the counter or to your delivery driver to make sure your child's class gets credit towards earning a pizza party A portion of the proceeds goes back to WSCA and the schools. Thank you for your support! ~WSCA
4 months ago, Ashlie Auckland
PIZZA NIGHT IS TOMORROW! Solve the nightly dinner dilemma and support the WSCA by ordering Sahara Pizza tomorrow night (5/21)! 1. Look for the flyer being sent home with your child today (5/21) 2. Order pizza Tuesday night 3. Turn in the flyer at the counter or to your delivery driver to make sure your child's class gets credit towards earning a pizza party A portion of the proceeds goes back to WSCA and the schools. Thank you for your support! ~WSCA
4 months ago, Ashlie Auckland
Attention families! We invite you to attend the WSCA's next meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 6pm in the Winlock Miller Elementary School cafeteria. WSCA is our district's version of a PTA/PTO. If you can't make it to the meeting but are interested in helping WSCA throughout the school year, please email If you are interested in attending virtually, please email us for a meeting link.
4 months ago, Ashlie Auckland
Spirit Week is happening next week, October 28th - November 1st! - Monday: Future Career Day (dress as what you want to be when you grow up) - Tuesday: Disney Day - Wednesday: Color Wars (TtK & K - Purple, 1st & 2nd - Green, 3rd & 4th - Black, 5th - Orange) -Thursday: Halloween Costumes (No scary costumes, no masks, and no makeup) - Friday: Pajama Day *Themes provided by the 5th-grade leadership team!*
5 months ago, Ashlie Auckland
Attention families! We invite you to attend the WSCA's next meeting will be Monday, Oct. 14 at 6pm in the Winlock Miller Elementary School cafeteria. WSCA is our district's version of a PTA/PTO. WSCA supports all students and schools in the district as well as our community. WSCA is always looking for more involvement and volunteers. We look forward to meeting you! If you can't make it to the meeting but are interested in helping WSCA throughout the school year, please email If you are interested in attending virtually, please email us for a meeting link.
5 months ago, Ashlie Auckland
Hello WMES Families- We are doing ASB cards this school year. The ASB card is $15 per student. The money goes directly into their grade level account to help pay for grade level activities or field trips. Once the student has purchased their ASB card they will get their card with their school picture printed on them. You are able to purchase the ASB card with check or cash at WMES office. If you have already paid for your ASB card, your student will get their card as soon as they arrive to the school. If you have any questions please call the office at 360-785-3516.
6 months ago, Ashlie Auckland
Hello WMES Families- I want to begin my saying thank you for adjusting to our new end of day pick-up procedure. As a staff we are noticing a big difference and hope you are as well. Please remember to come at your designated time slot or you may be asked to loop around to keep the flow of traffic for the current grade levels time slot. Also, don't forget to place your student pick-up sheet in your window. This helped greatly yesterday. If you need one please let a staff member know and we will be happy to get you one. Once again, thank you for your adaptability and working with us to make sure all students get to their correct end of day location in a safe manner. Pick-up times: TtK & Kindergarten: 2:35 1st, 2nd & 3rd Grade: 2:45 and 4th & 5th Grade 2:50. Thank you, Mrs. Auckland
6 months ago, Ashlie Auckland
Attention parents! If you are new to the Winlock School District or interested in becoming more involved with your student's school, we invite you to attend the WSCA's first meeting of the school year: Monday, Sept. 9 at 6pm at Sahara Pizza Winlock. Pizza will be provided!! WSCA is our district's version of a PTA/PTO. WSCA supports all students and schools in the district as well as our community. WSCA is always looking for more involvement and volunteers. We look forward to meeting you! If you can't make it to the meeting but are interested in helping WSCA throughout the school year, please email
6 months ago, Ashlie Auckland
Hello WMES Families- What an amazing 1st day together we had. Attached is our WMES student handbook. Please take the time to review this handbook along with reviewing it with your student. Some important items that I want to highlight include: 1. Our doors open at 8:10 and school begins at 8:25. Mondays are 1 hour late start with doors opening at 9:10 and school begins at 9:25. 2. This year we will have ASB cards. The cost of these are $15 per student. This money goes straight into your students grade level account to help fund field trips and student activities. 3. ALL end of day transportation changes need to be communicated to the office by 1 PM. 4. ALL student absences need to be communicated to the office within 24 hours to be excused. 5. All families will be receiving a letter to sign that is at the end of the handbook that you have reviewed the handbook with your student and that you have reviewed the attendance section. We look forward to a great year together! Take care, Mrs. Auckland
7 months ago, Ashlie Auckland
Hello WMES Families- I hope this message finds you well! We are all very excited here at WMES for the first day of school tomorrow. Here are a few reminders that we wanted to make sure you knew before tomorrow. 1. Doors open at 8:10 AM. Tomorrow ONLY (1st-5th grade students) you will be able to walk your student to their classroom if you so choose. However, please respect the teachers time and drop them off and say good bye in a timely fashion since we have a fun day ahead of us. Kindergarten and TtK students can be walked to class on their 1/2 day schedule on Friday and Tuesday ONLY. 2. To be able to enter the school pass the front office you will need to complete volunteer paperwork. You can get that paperwork at the front office at any time. 3. All end of day transportation changes need to be communicated to the front office by 1:00 PM daily. 4. End of day is at 2:55 PM. If you are going to be picking your student up, please stay in your vehicle if you are in our pick up line. We will bring your student to you or they will walk to your car. By staying in your vehicle it keeps the flow of traffic moving. Please understand that drop off and pick up do take some time and please be kind and patient as we work through the kinks of the first few weeks of school. We look forward to an exciting first day together and a new school year!
7 months ago, Ashlie Auckland
Hello WMES Families- We can't wait to see you soon! Join us for our Back to School BBQ at WMES August 22, 2024 from 4PM-6PM. This is a great time to bring in your school supplies, meet your teacher, and grab some food. First day of school for 1st-5th grade students is August 27, 2024. Doors open at 8:10 AM. TtK and Kindergarten students have a modified day on August 30th. TtK and Kindergarten first full day will be September 3, 2024, doors open at 8:10 AM. If you have any questions please call the WMES office at 360-785-3516. We look forward to an amazing year together! Thank you, WMES
7 months ago, Ashlie Auckland
TTK and Kindergarten,
We wanted to share some important information regarding the first day of school for our Transition to Kindergarten and Kindergarten students.
First Day of School: August 30, 2024 (Friday)
To ensure that our youngest learners receive the individualized attention they need as they begin their educational journey, we will be running a half-day schedule on this first day. Please read Mrs. Auckland's letter below
7 months ago, Kristie McCarty
Volunteers Need: We are planning and preparing for our annual field day at WMES. To make this event as fun as possible for our students we are looking for volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering you need to make sure your volunteer paperwork is completed . If you are unsure, please contact the office at 360-785-3516 and we can let you know if you have been cleared. Below is a link to sign up at a station along with the times of this event. Thank you! WMES Staff
9 months ago, Ashlie Auckland
LAST PIZZA NIGHT OF THE YEAR IS TODAY! Solve the nightly dinner dilemma and support the WSCA by ordering Sahara Pizza tonight (6/11)! 1. Look for the flyer being sent home with your child yesterday (6/10) 2. Order pizza Tuesday night 3. Turn in the flyer at the counter or to your delivery driver to make sure your child's class gets credit towards earning a pizza party A portion of the proceeds goes back to WSCA and the schools. Thank you for your support! ~WSCA
9 months ago, Ashlie Auckland
Hello WMES Families- It is that time of year again! We are excited to see our incoming kindergarten students for the 24-25 school year. If your student is in TtK this year at WMES and you plan on attending WMES next year, please call us and we will add them to the screener list. If your student is not currently in our program please give us a call to get registration paperwork for next year and schedule their kindergarten screener. Please call the office at 360-785-3516 to reserve your spot.
11 months ago, Ashlie Auckland