Mrs. Collins and Miss Iverson recently held an essay contest in coordination the local dance studio. Emily Austin won the essay contest and the Mother's Day Basket. The basket is valued at $100.00. See the school news article at:
over 4 years ago, Mr. Tauscher
contest winner
Reminder to parents and students Winlock Middle School Staff email addresses can be found at
over 4 years ago, Mr. Tauscher
I have created a webpage to help Winlock Middle School communicate during the shutdown. Please visit at:
over 4 years ago, Mr. Tauscher
Topic: Winlock School Board Meeting Time:7:00 pm Apr 27, 2020 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 894 9348 4222 Password: 865489 One tap mobile +13462487799,,89493484222#,,#,865489# US (Houston) +16699006833,,89493484222#,,#,865489# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US +1 301 715 8592 US Meeting ID: 894 9348 4222 Password: 865489 Find your local number:
over 4 years ago, Megan Evander
Cooking together would be a great opportunity to do some math with middle schoolers. The process of thinking through a recipe and adjusting for the number of servings desired is a great activity to apply some proportional reasoning thinking.
over 4 years ago, Mr. Tauscher
In honor of the Class of 2020 Cardinals: On Friday, April 17 at 8:20 (2020 Military Time) all high schools in Washington State are going to turn on their stadium lights to honor the Class of 2020. Cardinal Stadium lights will shine!... #BeTheLight WA
over 4 years ago, Megan Evander
Good morning! Mrs. Rhey Roundtree's latest MAD (music, art and dance) version of lunch service at WMES during the Covid19 shelter in place. Thank you Mrs. Rhey!
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Flores
Student Art
almost 5 years ago, Mr. Tauscher
Ask students about growth mindset. People with a fixed mindset believe that intelligence and other abilities are fixed -- you either have it or you don’t. People with a growth mindset believe that, through hard work and sustained effort, you can grow your abilities and skills. Research has shown that students with a growth mindset consistently outperform their peers.
almost 5 years ago, Mr. Tauscher
Photos to share.
almost 5 years ago, Mr. Tauscher
Mrs. Collins
Write about your feelings. Research has shown that even 10 minutes of writing can help reduce anxiety. You can make a worry list, write a diary entry, or start a gratitude journal, where you document things and people for which you are thankful. For kids who are not able to write yet, have them draw a picture and ask them to tell a story about their picture.
almost 5 years ago, Mr. Tauscher
ESD113's map of food pickup locations in Washington State (Click to zoom in):
almost 5 years ago, Mr. Tauscher
Mr. Suhrbier, Mr. Davis, Ms. Orbino, Mrs. Ortiz, and Mrs. Day checked out 80+ Chromebooks/Netbooks to Winlock Middle and High School students today while maintaining social distancing and state gathering number guidelines.
almost 5 years ago, Mr. Tauscher
Reminder, Winlock School District will conduct virtual Conferences March 30th - April 2nd. Please check in with your child's ES teacher and/or adviser at the MS & HS levels
almost 5 years ago, Megan Evander
Students and parents check out this resource provided by Follett.
almost 5 years ago, Mr. Tauscher
Mrs. Rhey Roundtree, para for WMES put together this video of our staff getting ready to deliver lunches and touching base with our students in person. Thank WMES staff and bus drivers for your unwavering support of our students!
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Flores
Topic: Winlock School Board Meeting March 24, 2020 Time: Mar 24, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 714 267 928 Password: 035759
almost 5 years ago, Megan Evander
Winlock Middle School Students please login to your school email at or google classroom to get the latest updates.
almost 5 years ago, Mr. Tauscher
Please view the Winlock School District website "News" section for the most current update on Health, School Closure information and Meal options for students. Stay safe everyone and please take all precautions for washing hands and practicing good health procedures.
almost 5 years ago, Megan Evander